Post-Covid-19 and the Autonomic Nervous System
Many Covid-19 survivors experience long term symptoms even months after infection. These ongoing health problems are sometimes called post-COVID-19 syndrome, post-COVID conditions, long COVID-19, long-haul COVID-19, long haulers, and post acute sequelae of SARS COV-2 infection.
Some may even struggle with severe and disabling symptoms, as Covid-19 may eventually affect the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), which regulates the autonomic functions of the body. This may lead to autonomic dysfunction or Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) — a cascade of symptoms brought on due to an overactive Sympathetic Nervous System (in this case, because of the result of a viral infection).
In essence, sympathetic overdrive is initiated to defend against the virus and keeps the body in a fight-or-flight response. Consequently, there is dysregulation of the Autonomic Nervous System, creating autonomic imbalance which brings on this cascade of debilitating symptoms.
The Post-Covid-19 Treatment
At The POTS Treatment Center we focus on helping those suffering with these symptoms to shift out of this sympathetic overdrive. By turning off the sympathetic overdrive, it may prevent the symptoms it has caused. This self-regulation is a non-invasive approach that becomes second nature to the individual and can eventually establish autonomic balance again.
You may find a good source of information on how the Autonomic Nervous System can become imbalanced and why our program is effective here: The Root of the Problem.
The following are symptoms of Post-Covid-19 Syndrome (Long Covid):
-Shortness of breath
-Muscle pain
-Joint pain
-Sleep Disorders
-Gastrointestinal issues
-Memory loss
-Hair loss
Post-Acute Covid-19
Long Haulers (lay public)